Hi, I’m Noelle Hartt. Thanks for taking the time to check out my copywriting portfolio!

If I had to describe my writing style in one word, it’d be:


I’m a copywriter with range.

Short, snappy headlines?

Share-worthy blog posts?

SEO-friendly web pages?

I write ’em all. And I write ’em in your voice.

So, let’s get to the projects, shall we?

Blog Posts

Paid Social – DTC

Paid Social – B2B

Organic Social – B2C

Landing Pages – DTC

Avenova landing page - main audience
(Audience 1: general buyers)
Avenova landing page - contact lens wearers
(Audience 2: contact lens wearers)
Avenova landing page - false lash wearers
(Audience 3: false lash wearers)

More Samples

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